Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Times

We love our fire pit! Having friends and family over to hang out and tell stories and eat good treats!!

Uncle Scotty is always down for a good fire, however he doesn't really like me taking his pictures!

Alli and I sharing a WONDERFUL marshmallow!

Moms can clean up sticky problem!

My Alli

Layken had a great time! I love seeing her having so much fun!

Valentines Night Out!

I have been so busy with life that I have not blogged in so long. So these next few will be me catching up!

Joe and I were so blessed to have my sister and Scott come watch our kids on Valentines Day so we could have a night away! We got a room at the Hacienda and wen to eat at the Steak House. We have a blast!

I went to the room before hand and dropped off a little goodie bag for my man. He loved it. Nothing like fun little things to make the night interesting. Dirty Dice, a blindfold, spin the bottle game and some yummy snacks!

The blindfold was really cute!!!!

Here we are before heading downstairs for drinks and dinner. I loved having this uninterrupted time with my Hubs! He is my all time favorite person EVER! I love you Lovebug!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Princess and the Dirt

Unless it is raining we try to spend a few hours a day out in the backyard playing. I love our backyard and now that Jersey has been walking for a few months she loves her independence out there too! This day was so nice outside, I was writing in my journals and sunning my face, Trace was jumping on the trampoline and Jersey was exploring the dirt!

She liked the way it felt in her hands. The moist gritty texture was new to her and she dug it.

And she ate it....

See Mama! I guess even a princess like to get dirty every once in a while.

No matter how many times I would tell her "no no Jersey Girl", she still wanted to eat it.

Not sure what this face was doing but she steals my heart, even with a mouth full of mud!

Bad to the Bone!!

My son loves monster trucks, so when we saw they were giving rides in this monster school bus we had to take him. I think I was as excited as he was! It was huge!

Daddy and Trace getting ready for the big ride. They were the only ones riding this ride so they had the whole truck to themselves!

Look how big the tires are. It was so awesome to compare the tires to how tall Joe is.

We seem to small compared to this huge truck, no wonder they are called "monster"! This year Treysons birthday is all monster truck themed. He got to ride this truck and in March, the day after his birthday we are taking him to the Monster Truck Finals, he can hardly wait!


We spent the day outside doing yard work and playing. Treyson and Joe took a break and went digging for worms....and they found some!

Trace loved them, he called them his wormies. He carried them around for hours!


This one was the Papa worm, he was pretty long and plump! I guess boys sure will be boys! I love watching him get so excited over gross boyish things like worms. It was a great day!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I just feel good

I just stepped out on my front porch and I am reminded of how things happen for a reason. Although at the time of some happenings we may not understand the reasons. For the past 2 years I was stressed with my home and the economy and so many other things. I did everything humanly possible to save my home but had no luck. I was an emotional wreck for months. Severely depressed and still having family issues to add to that. But tonight as I stood on my front porch I realized how happy I am now. How I absolutely love my new home and how grateful I am to be back in my hometown of Boulder City. It is so quiet outside, no cars, loud music, fighting people or sirens. Treyson loves going to preschool, I am close to my sisters, Tiffney and Courtney, and to my Uncle Randy. I see people I know when I go to the grocery store or to grab a soda. I can walk after dark and feel safe. I can be in the backyard playing with my kids while the front door is open to let the fresh air in and I have no worries. I just love it. I now know that all we went through in the past two years was for the better. It was definitely hard but so worth it. I am happy and relieved to be where I am now. I am growing as a person, wife, mother, and woman. I have learned many lessons from all my struggles in life. Not only the struggle with my house but with family and extended family and friends. I am feeling more than ever before. I know some of this is because I have opened my mind and heart a lot lately. My relationship with my Heavenly Father has grown and gotten so much stronger. My missionaries and I have began to read The Book of Mormon together. Slowly but surely we are getting through it. I want to make sure I understand every word. They are patient with me and I am so grateful for them. I look forward to Mondays when I know they will be here to see my family and I.
Anyhow, I just felt I needed to get this out. I love life.....all of it. I am so happy to be where I am and who I am.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at Our House

My precious two all snuggled up in their Christmas Jammie's before heading off to bed for some good rest so Santa could come.
Treyson was so excited to leave out cookies, milk and carrots.
The carrots were meant for the reindeer, but Jersey Girl got to them first.
1:30 AM and Santa has just left. Now only a few hours left until my angels will awake.
This is was only the beginning of an unforgettable day.
Joe had creatively left a few of my gifts around the house in the morning. He made coffee and told me to me to go make a cup. As I grabbed the coffee pot I was blinded by a beautiful bracelet on the top of the coffee maker. Then back int he living room hanging from some decorative berries I found a necklace and all of a sudden there was an extra ornament on the tree. This cute new bell and inside were my diamond earrings. Joe is not the most romantic man ever but he certainly has his moments and I love him dearly!

Babies, babies, babies was the theme for my baby this year. She has one with her at all times now. And since I am not sure that I will be blessed with another baby, we decided to name Jersey's babies after my sisters. This is Violet Michelle and the other is Taylor Dawn.

We always say we are rock stars and now with this awesome gift I got Joe we really can be! He was thrilled, can you tell. This is his big surprised smile!

Joe did good for me this year, as he always does. I now have another digital camera that is small and easy to take around with me. I must have a camera at all times, you never know when you are going to need to capture a moment.

Treyson had forgotten to tell Santa he wanted a trampoline, so I made a last minute phone call to The Big guy. We weren't sure if he would be able to bring such a big gift with such short notice....but he did! My son was beyond excited.....I loved it!

Of course anything Cars is always a big hit with my little man.

Jersey is such a snuggle buns. She adores her babies. This is her prayer baby which she loves!
All in all Christmas was so exciting this year. Joe and I had been looking forward to it for months. Treyson is at the fun age where he is excited about it all. He knows all bout Santa and the the North Pole, the elves and how they make all the toys. Christmas Eve started out great, the kids and I got the house all cleaned and toys put away so there would be room for all the new gift the would be receiving. We sang Christmas songs and waited anxiously for Daddy to come home from work. The missionaries came over for our weekly visit and we had a wonderful lesson. I love spending time with them! We made cookies for Santa and set them out with a glass of milk and some carrots for the reindeer. We all opened one gift from me.....all new Jammie's! It was so fun for the whole family to change into our new jams and talk about how much we are so grateful for our family and our lives together. The kids headed to bed and Joe and I got busy finishing up wrapping and putting together the big items. We did good and were done about 1Am. But as we settled into bed I couldn't sleep! I was so excited for the morning to come, it was the longest night ever. Joe and I woke up about 5:30 and snuggled in bed talking waiting for the sound of Treyson......we heard him get out of bed and all of a sudden he was running onto our room. He had peeked into the living room before coming to us. When he go to the bedside he could barely talk, he was so overwhelmed with excitement! He stuttered the words, "Mom, he came, he brought me lots and lots of presents!" We made it to the living room and it all began!

I can not even explain how I felt the entire morning. I found myself tearing up on a few occasions. Watching my children light up with happiness just filled my heart. I love my family and my babies so very much. There is nothing better than seeing them so happy! This was just another "motherly" experience I had. It makes me think of how my parents must have felt for so long. Its one of those feelings that you cant truly understand until you are a parent.

Anyhow, the day was awesome just being together and feeling the strong sense of the season.