Thursday, January 8, 2009

I just feel good

I just stepped out on my front porch and I am reminded of how things happen for a reason. Although at the time of some happenings we may not understand the reasons. For the past 2 years I was stressed with my home and the economy and so many other things. I did everything humanly possible to save my home but had no luck. I was an emotional wreck for months. Severely depressed and still having family issues to add to that. But tonight as I stood on my front porch I realized how happy I am now. How I absolutely love my new home and how grateful I am to be back in my hometown of Boulder City. It is so quiet outside, no cars, loud music, fighting people or sirens. Treyson loves going to preschool, I am close to my sisters, Tiffney and Courtney, and to my Uncle Randy. I see people I know when I go to the grocery store or to grab a soda. I can walk after dark and feel safe. I can be in the backyard playing with my kids while the front door is open to let the fresh air in and I have no worries. I just love it. I now know that all we went through in the past two years was for the better. It was definitely hard but so worth it. I am happy and relieved to be where I am now. I am growing as a person, wife, mother, and woman. I have learned many lessons from all my struggles in life. Not only the struggle with my house but with family and extended family and friends. I am feeling more than ever before. I know some of this is because I have opened my mind and heart a lot lately. My relationship with my Heavenly Father has grown and gotten so much stronger. My missionaries and I have began to read The Book of Mormon together. Slowly but surely we are getting through it. I want to make sure I understand every word. They are patient with me and I am so grateful for them. I look forward to Mondays when I know they will be here to see my family and I.
Anyhow, I just felt I needed to get this out. I love life.....all of it. I am so happy to be where I am and who I am.

1 comment:

The Davis' said...

Good for you Brittney! It's nice to hear such positive thoughts in these hard times :)