Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Lately I have been feeling so many different emotions and moods. As to be expected with all that is going on in our lives right now. Each day I wake up with all intentions of having a wonderful and positive day, but there are those days when no matter what I tell myself I just cant get myself to feel good. We, like so many others, are losing our home due to an adjustable rate which we can no longer afford. There is a long story of how we even got into this mortgage in the first place, and it is not a happy story, so I will leave that out. Life gives us challenges and unforeseen obstacles to face everyday and I think this could be my hardest so far. Joe and I have worked very hard in our lives to have what we have, never being late on any payment we have ever had and for sure not missing any payments. Our credit scores are higher than most and we have been able to help many family members buy vehicles, ATV's, get credit card and so on because of our credit. We were happy to help anyone we could in their hard times. This will all be ending though. I have been working with our mortgage company for over a year and a half to help us out, the option they gave us was to freeze our rate for one year so we could do home improvements and refinance to a fixed rate. We of course jumped at this opportunity! We took all the money in our savings account and put on a new roof, scraped old popcorn ceiling and re textured, painted, did crown molding, baseboards, picture frame name it we did it! Unfortunately that was all work that has made no difference. The housing market has dropped so much that all the work we have done and all the money we have spent has made no difference. The value has dropped so much that we now owe more than our home is worth therefor no one will refinance us, and we cannot sell our home for what we owe so we are left with only one option, foreclosure. We have a second mortgage n our home as well, and when you foreclose it only gets rid of a first. So now we are forced to file bankruptcy. It is even hard for me to say it. I guess it is a pride issue to some degree. I am trying to find the good in all this. It is hard to know the first home we bought, the home we brought our children home to will now be taken from us and there is nothing we can do to save it. But on the other had, we have always wanted to move back to Boulder City and now we can. We are looking for homes to rent and praying we find something within the next few moths. I am so grateful for my friends and family, I have a husband who means more to me than I could ever express, two beautiful and healthy children and we are all happy. I guess I just felt I needed to vent on this issue and it helps to remind me of what really matters in life. We can make any house a home as long as we are in it together and it is filled with our love for one another. For now I continue to try to see all the positive things in my life and I look forward to looking for a new house, back in my hometown!

1 comment:

Dalton Family said...

OH Brittney....I am so sorry, what a tough situation. This market is just crazy right now, I feel bad that you're going through all of that.