Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I am really behind on this, but the Holidays have me going crazy! I am having issues getting pictures up so for now I will just write about our food filled Thanksgiving. We had dinner at our new home in Boulder City and I was super excited to host this year. We had a major houseful and it was awesome. I was so happy to have family from Idaho drive all the way here to be with all of us. My Grams and Papa, Uncle Kelly, Aunt Sherri and cousin Kadin came from Idaho. My Mom came from San Diego. Joe, Treyson, Jersey and I. Tiffney, Scott and Alli. Raymond, Jessica and Lilee Jo. Courtney, Jeff, Andrew, Brayden, and Layken. Doug , Stacey and Kristy. I loved having so much of our family here together, we just keep growing. I am so grateful that we are all so close and accepting of each other. Jessica (Raymond's fiance) and her family are now part of our family too. So we spend lots of time together with her parents and sisters. I have missed my Uncle Kelly and Aunt Sherri terribly over the years. Joe and I lived with them in Idaho in 1999-2000. They taught us a lot and the four of us became very close. I wish Stetson could have made it, I miss him as we got to be extremely close over the years as well. Kadin and the other kids had a great time playing ping pong and boxing and just hanging out getting to know each other. It rained a lot but that didn't stop us. We watched football and ate lots of food.....we cooked 4 turkeys! I am blessed to have to family that I have. We laughed so hard and have a wonderful time just being together. I love you all with my whole heart. I want to make my "Thankful List" I will try not to have it be too long, but i am thankful for so many things....hopefully I can get some pictures up too!

I am SO THANKFUL for.....
1. My Husband. He is my rock, my best friend and I don't think I would even be able to breathe without him.
2. My miracle children. They keep me striving to be the best person I can be. I love them more that they will ever know.
3. My family, all of them! I am who I am because of them. My parents did an exceptional job of raising us and letting us become who we are. They are wise and strong people and I look up to them and am so proud to be their daughter. Courtney and I are getting to be so close again and I am excited to have our relationship back. Tiffney.....I could go on forever. She is amazing and my best friend. Some of my funnest and most memorable times have been with my dog! Pat, I love and miss him so very much. We have a special relationship and I am proud of who he is, I wish we were not living so far apart. Danny, I am so proud of the things you have done with your life. You are awesome and great things will happen to you!
4. My camera to capture the wonderful memories of my life.
5. Wax. I love that I can wax my eyebrows myself and I feel so cute afterwards.
6. Yard Sales. I love them, so far Arizona seems to have the best ones. A lot of my house is decorated my great things I have found at yard sales.
7. My computer. Email is how I keep in touch with so many friends and family since it is hard for me to be able to start and finish a phone conversation without interruption.
8. Paper plates!!!!
9. My church and the great people in it. I just went to our ward Christmas party and saw so many wonderful people I have known forever. It was an amazing feeling to be there again!
10. Life lessons. I have had a lot in the past year ans good things have been taught to me.
11. Crafts. I love making things with my own hands, my quilts and growth charts are only the beginning of what I love doing.
12. My Time. time I have alone to reflect on the day and to write in journals and have some peace.
13. Coupons. I am a coupon maniac. I love saving money and hunting for a bargain.
14. Walmart!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dalton Family said...

Such a great post!

Hey, can you email me your new address?