Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Blessings of my Babies

This past weekend we made a special trip to Arizona so my Uncle Varcel could bless my babies. It was such a special and emotional day, especially for me. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I have such a feeling of warmth and relief knowing it is done. My Mom drove over from California to be there for this special day and my sister, Tiffney, drove with my kids and I from Boulder City. Along with my Uncle Varce was cousin Jeff and Bishop Maznio doing the blessings. I am so grateful they were there for us. Jersey sat so still and quiet I believe she had someone there keeping her calm as it is not like her to sit quietly for more than a few seconds. Treyson was such a big boy as well. Sitting so reverently and really listening to what Uncle Varce was saying. I love my children more than words could ever say!
Treyson and Jersey after their Blessings
Mom, Tiff, Jersey and I

My beautiful family


Jen said...

That's great you were able to get that done. How neat the kids were so well-behaved during it. Very cool.

And your mom and sister look just like I remember them. How crazy that it's been so long since I saw them last. Your mom's so cute; California must agree with her.

Tiffany said...

Awesome. That is so great that you did that and your family will be blessed for it.

And how cute is little Jersey? VERY. She is just getting cuter all the time. I totally love her cheeks!

Dalton Family said...

What a great thing for you to do! I happy to hear about that!