Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ghostly Fun


Super fun to make our "bed sheet ghosts"

Treyson drew this one completely by himself, he said it was a pirate ghost, how cute!

It takes a lot of concentration to do this.

Jersey wasn't sure what we were doing but she loved to be a part of it!

I didn't think we were really going to decorate for Halloween being as we would be out taking the kids trick or treating but to my surprise, Joe was all about it! We figure we will go out with the kids as soon as the sun goes down and only be gone for 1-2 hours. So we will still have time to come home and pass out goodies to our scary visitors. I make homemade chili and cornbread every Halloween and we sit in the garage and pass out candy and eat. Treyson loves to be in charge of the candy bowl and seeing all the different costumes of the kids coming by our house.


Jen said...

The Halloween night activities are SUCH good ideas! How fun. And I love the little ghosts. Decorating for holidays is so much fun; I can only imagine how much better it is with kids.

The Davis' said...

Isn't Halloween so much fun?! I just love it! I'm so excited that you want to do the book swap...hopefully I will get it in the mail within the next week :)

Tiffany said...

My mouth is currently salivating for some chili. Yum!