Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Obama is our President! I am extremely excited about this election and the way it turned out. I normally don't think that religion and politics are wise topics to discuss, as they are sensitive subjects and people have very strong feelings on both. I would never want to have problems in my relationships because of differences in beliefs when it comes to these topics. However, I can not help but express my feeling on our new President.

Over the past 2 years I have had numerous text messages and emails sent my way that were negative and many racist based. This made me really upset but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It finally got to the point that I had to respond to some of these emails and text stating that I am an Obama supporter and please do not send this to me. You can have your opinion, that is perfectly right, but please do not send me things that are negative and not true! I have been invested in this election, I have watched all three Presidential debates, the VP Debate, I have watched Obama's Plan for America on TV, subscribed to his website and get weekly updates and and emails regarding this election. I did my research.....have you? I spent more time defending Obama and explaining to them the truth about his issues. I had to have received at least a hundred emails regarding Obama in a negative fashion. Do you know how many I got about John McCain in a positive light....none. Why is that? I don't understand why his supporters thought it was better to send off hurtful lies about his opponent instead of sending positive truths about him. This is what bothers me most.

If you are not an Obama supporter that is your right. But why spend so much time and effort trying to make him look bad and forward on messages you do not know to be true? If you were a McCain supporter, as some of those who sent me the emails are, why not spend your time promoting and uplifting the man you wanted as your President?! This makes no sense to me and goes so much deeper than just the election. To me these are acts that show character in a person. I was taught to not judge a person on ANYTHING. Race, religion, wealth, nothing. And it seems the dirty has come out in a lot of people I know. Some complain about the way the election had a lot of mud slinging, but then they kept it going by being a part of it. Sending on emails and texts. I am not trying to rant and rave but I have thought a lot about this and been silent for this entire time. now is my chance to express my feelings on my own blog, I will not email it on trying to cause conflict. I just needed to get this out. I believe this goes for life in general. If you don't agree with something do what you can to change it for the better.

My eyes swelled with tears as they announced Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. I was very emotional! I am so proud that my voice was one of millions that were heard. That I could be alive to see history be made, to see the country change for the better. I have been personally affected by this economy, the housing issues to be exact. I am beyond excited to see the change our country will have over the next few years. To know my children will have proof that anything is possible. I have been overly inspired by Obama, by his words, his life and his overall demeanor. I respect John McCain and everything he has done for this country. I respect the speech he gave giving his support to Obama. National unity should be our overall goal. I am hopeful that no matter what candidate you were supporting you will stand behind our President. We need to be a country that can work together as a whole and support our leader no matter what challenges arise. I could go on and on about his whole subject and how I feel I learned more about certain people and how hypocritical a person could be. But like I said, I am not to judge. I will let the actions of my President speak for themselves.

I love the way is sounds, President Obama. Today we are a new and different America, good things are to come. I could not be more proud to call him MY PRESIDENT!


Jen said...

I'm not quite as excited about the results as you are, but I definitely agree with you about forwarded messages and texts. I don't know why people think they need to send mass e-mails that take quotes out of context and are just smear tactics. Wouldn't it be nice if politics was less nasty and more focused on the goal? And if people would hit "delete" instead of "forward"? :)

The Ortega Family said...

Jen, I am soooo glad you see it that way as well! I guess I have been wokring on my charachter and life in general and trying to always see the positive and to never do or say anything that I dont know to be FACT or that could hurt someone else. I wish others could do the same. Thanks for reading my feeling and not bashing me for them!